make an appointment

Make an appointment with us and come by our store. Here you can see and touch our designs, and we can talk about what you want. From here we can start the process if you choose to get yourself a pair of Cold Heggem glasses.


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Cold Heggem Optics

When the frame is finished, you need to have the right glasses. We order and assemble the lenses in your new spectacle frame - for spectacles in horns, adjustment and assembly is an uncomplicated process. We can offer you to come to our own optician in our new optics studio in Toldbodgade 16 kld. København K. Here you get a free, qualified vision test from our skilled and experienced optician, who also helps to uncover your needs and wishes for spectacle lenses. We work with Carl Zeiss and can offer the whole Zeiss' range of quality glass. As part of this process, we can improve poor night and twilight vision, as well as increase your vision's perception of contrast and clarity. We also offer quality contact lenses.

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